Rice Mailstop Numbers

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Academic Advising 529
Academic Advising for Athletics 542
Accounts Receivable 72
Adam Lab @ BRC 651
Administrative Systems 97
Administrative Systems (B) 96
Advanced Development Center 87
Alumni Affairs/O'Connor House 520
Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations 150
Animal Resources 440
Anthropology 20
Applied Physics Graduate Program 100
Architecture 50
Art Department 549
Art History 21
Assoc. VP for Institutional Effectiveness 4
Associate Provost K-12 Program 212
Athletics Administration & Ticket Office 548
Athletics, Football 552
Baker College 735
Baker College Servery 1004
Baker Institute 40
Bands 314
Bioengineering 142
Biosciences @BRC 601
Biosciences @GRB 140
Biotech Launch Pad @ BRC 609
BMED Lab (Biobehavioral Mechanisms Explaining Disparities Lab) 201
Board of Trustees 1
Boniuk Institute 350
Bookstore 525
BRASS (Rice University Ctr. For Computing at the Margins) 107
Brazil @ Rice 388
BRC Administration 650
Brown College 709
Budget Office 93
Bursar’s Office 55
Campanile 526
CAPC Center for Academic and Professional Cummunication 625
Center for African and African American Studies (CAAAS) 29
Center for the Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality 38
CERCL - Center for Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning 428
Chao Center for Asian Studies (CCAS) 475
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering @ O'Conner 362
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering @ Space Science 306
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Dept. @BRC 338
Chemical and Biomolecular Engr. @BRC 642
Chemistry 60
Chemistry @BRC 602
Children's Environmental Health Initiatives (CEHI) 460
Civil & Environmental Engineering - Ryon Lab 205 318
Civil & Environmental Engineering- Keck Hall 117 519
Clubs Office 526
Community Involvement Ctr. 200
Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research (CMOR) 134
Computer Science 132
Controller's Dept. 70
Corporate & Foundation Relations 84
Counseling Center 19
Cox Lab. for Biomedical Engr. 142
Crisis Management 909
CSSR-Council of Soc. For Study of Rel. 156
Ctr. for Career Development 521
Ctr. for Civic Leadership 200
Ctr. for Critical and Cultural Theory (3CT) 305
Ctr. for Nano.Science/Tour 222
Ctr. for Study of Environmental Science 110
Ctr. for Study of Languages & Intercultural Communic. (CLIC) 36
Ctr. For Teaching Excellence 290
Ctr. For the Study of Enviornmental Science (CSES) 110
Ctr. for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) 654
Current Fund Accounting 70
D2K Lab (Center for the Transforming of Data to Knowledge) 354
Dean of Undergraduates 6
Delivery Services/Post Office 555
Development Services 80
Diana Strassman 18
Digital Media Commons 280
Disability Support Services 802
Disbursement 75
Dr. Laura Lavery Lab Group 608
Duncan College 715
Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences 126
ECE @ BRC 607
ECE @ Duncan 380
Economics 22
Education 146
Electr. & Computer Engineering (o'Conner) 366
Electr. & Computer Engr. (Brockman Hall) 378
Electronic Research Administration Project (eRA) 606
Employment 56
Engineering 364
Engineering Development Office 368
English 30
Enrollment Management and Communication 17
Enrollment Mgmt. Operations Center (EMOC) 17
Environmental Health and Safety 123
Equal Empl. & Affirmative Action 130
Facilities and Capital Planning MS 312, Facilities and Capital Planning - COB MS 312C 312
Faculty Club/Cohen House 52
Faculty Senate 35
Feminist Economics 9
Feminist Reading Group 38
Fondren Library, Administration 44
French Studies 31
Friends of Fondren 245
Garage (JGS) 535
General Counsel 94
German & Slavic Studies 32
Gift Processing 83
Global Health Initiative 604
Government Relations 610
Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies 13
Graduate Student Association 527
Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC) 141
Han Xiao Lab 944
Hanzen College 743
Health Education & Wellness Center 527
Health Professions Advisor 529
HERC - Houston Education Researc Consortium 258
History 42
HOPE Lab 203
Housing & Dining 750
Houston Inequality Initiative on Race and Ethnicity (HIIRE) 259
Human Resources 92
Humanities 33
Humanities Research Center 620
Information Technology (IT) 119
Interdisciplinary Research Support Office (IRSO) 355
Internal Audit 88
International Programs 529
International Scholarships & Fellowships 529
Interntational Students & Scholars 365
Investment Accounting 70
ION 805
IT Academic & Research Computing 119
IT Educational Technologies 119
IT Enterprise Applications 119
IT Security Office 119
IT Systems, Architecture, Infrastructure 119
Italian Language & Culture 31
Jewish Studies 340
Jones College 711
Jones Graduate School of Management 531
Journal of Southern History 45
Keck Center 141
Ken Kennedy Institute (formerly CITI) 39
Kinder Institute for Urban Research 208
Kinesiology 545
KTRU 506
Leadership Rice 200
Library: Acquisitions 230
Library: Administration 44
Library: Brown Library 250
Library: Circulation 210
Library: Document Del./R.I.C.E. 240
Library: Government Publications 225
Library: Serials 235
Library: Service Center 260
Library: Woodson Research Center 215
LILIE - The Liu Idea Lab of Innovation & Entrepreneurship 1531 1531
Lillehoj Group 328
Linguistics 23
Loan Collections 70
Lovett College 739
MacKintosh Lab 662
Magic Ritual and Witchcraft 158
Marching Owl Band 314
Martel College 742
Master of Liberal Studies 558
Material Science & NanoEngineering 325
Mathematics 136
McMurtry College 761
Mechanical Engineering 321
Medical Humanities Program 37
Medieval Studies 33
Modern and Classical Languages and Cultures 34
Modern and Classical Languages and Cultures 150
Moody Center 480
Multicultural Affairs 527
Multicultural Center 757
Multicultural Community Relations 700
National Security Research Accelerator (RUNSRA) 678
Natural Sciences 102
Naval Science (NROTC) 556
Networking,Telecommunications,Data Ctr 119
Neuroengineering Initiative 656
Neuroplasticity 657
News & Media Relations 300
NEWT Center 6398
Nexus (ION) 807
Office of Academic Support for Undergraduate Students, OASUS 244
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 3
Office of Ethics, Compliance and Enterprise Risk 89
Office of Faculty Development 105
Office of Fellowshjps & Undergraduate Research 200
Office of Information Technology (OIT) 119
Office of Innovation 5
Office of Investment 91
Office of Sustainability 99
Office of Treasury 73
Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry 275
OpenSTAX 375
Operations, Finance & Support 90
Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK) 390
Owl Club 546
Parking 535
Parking @COB 538
Payment Solutions 77
Payroll 71
Phillips Lab 649
Philosophy 14
Photographers 905
Physics & Astronomy 61
Physics/Bonner Nuclear Lab 315
Police Dept. 551
Political Science 24
Pre-Law Advisor 529
President's Office 1
Procurement 888
Procurement Office 66
Program for Communication Excellence 630
Program in Writing & Communication (PWC) 630
Property Accounting 70
Provost 2
Provost Office: Clarence L. Carter Professor for Legal Studies- David Leebron 26
Psychology 25
Psychology: Industrial/Organizational 205
Public Affairs 95
Publications 95
R Association 546
Ralph S. O’Connor Building for Engineering Science - Adminstration 352
Reckling Park 547
Recreation Center 523
Registrar 57
Religion 15
Religion and Public Life Program 28
REMS 551
Research Accounting 74
Resource Development 81
Rice Advanced Materials Institute (O'Conner, 117) 353
Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship 531
Rice Art Gallery 59
Rice Bikes 2453
Rice Building Institute (RBI) 510
Rice Centennial 2012
Rice Center for Quantum Materials (RCQM) 68
Rice Children's Campus 504
Rice Ctr. For Engineering Leadership (RCEL) 363
Rice Design Alliance 51
Rice Global (COB) 109
Rice Graduate Apartments (Bissonnet) 755
Rice Office of STEM Engagement 7836
Rice Online (BRC) 664
Rice Program Council 526
Rice Space Institute 108
Rice Student Volunteer Prgm (RSVP) 200
Rice Synthetic Biology Institute (RSBI) 144
Rice Video Productions 524
Rice Village Apartments 765
Rice WaTER Institute - O'Conner 7940
Rice360/BTB 636
Risk Management 670
Robinson Lab 190
RUCCAM - Rice University Center for Computing at the Margins 139
Sallyport/Owlmanac 95
Sammy's 528
School Literacy & Culture Project 147
School Math Project 172
Scientia/DeLange Institute 8
SEA Shared Equipment Authority 686
Secure and Intelligent Micro-Systems (SIMS) Lab - ECE @ O’Connor 351
Segatori Lab 659
Shared Equipment Authority (SEA) 680
Shell Center for Sustainability 207
Shepherd School of Music 532
Sid Richardson College 746
Sloan Prof.Masters Degree Prgm. 103
Smalley-Curl Institute 100
Social Design Lab @ ION 806
Social Sciences 27
Sociology 28
South Colleges Servery 1104
Sponsored Research 16
Sport Management 543
Stadium (Football) 552
Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) 723
Statistics 138
Student Activities 530
Student Association 526
Student Center 530
Student Community Involvement 527
Student Financial Services 12
Student Health Education 527
Student Health Services 760
Student Judicial Programs 160
Student Media 524
Student Success Initiatives 536
Studies in English Literature 46
Study Abroad 539
Susanne M. Glasscock School of Cont.Stud-Languages 560
Susanne M. Glasscock School of Cont.Studies (ACC) 550
Sustainability Institute 367
Systems and Operations 17
Systems, Synthetic & Physical Biology (SSPB) 180
Teacher Education and Master of Arts in Teaching 146
Technology Transfer Office 705
Telecommuncations 119
Tennis Courts, GRB 553
Texas Policy Lab 272
The Doerr Institute for New Leaders 567
The Insitute for Humanist Studies 410
The Welch Institute 370
Theatre Program 115
Thresher 524
Transcultural Studies 24
Transnational Asian Studies 475
Transportation 554
TSCAN Lab (Translational Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience) 663
Undergraduate Student Assoc. 526
United Way 900
University Events / O'Connor House 520
University Relations 700
Urban Health Program 285
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs 10
Vice Provost for Research 603
Visual Arts (East: Sewall Hall) 449
Visual Arts (West: Media Center) 549
VP for Academic Affairs 10
VP for Enrollment 7
VP for Information Technology 191
VP for Public Affairs 610
VP for Resource Development 82
VP for Rice Global 668
Web Communications 95
Welcome Center 701
Wellness Center 704
Wiess College 738
Wiess House (2 Sunset Blvd.) 707
Wiess School of Natural Science @BRC 617
Wiess School of Natural Sciences 102
Will Rice College 741
Women's Resource Center 522
Yang Gao Research Lab 640